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Thank you for all you do.

I met Sarah Hackenbracht in the upstairs room of the Gem City Catfe on 5th Street. The sun was shining in the windows and I sat soaking up the rays waiting for her arrival. She walked in with confidence and a smile. She was dressed for success, her laptop bag in one hand, her coffee in the other.

Sarah had attending a LORE Workshop Graduation and wanted to explore possibilities for the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association (GDAHA), the organization for which she is now the President and CEO. According to the website, GDAHA is “a member service organization for more than 29 hospitals and healthcare organizations in the greater Dayton region. Our members are committed to delivering the highest quality of healthcare through collaboration with one another and our community partners.” Sarah was, at the time, the interim CEO, learning the ropes of organization, the new role and the community that she supports.

Our conversation flowed easily and we found ourselves planning not only synergies for our organizations but possibilities for the city and young women and the world. You see, Sarah is passionate about her work and her impact. She is driven and caring. And she gets stuff done. And together, we were in that place of passionate dreaming where anything is possible. I left with a feeling of camaraderie and possibility.

When I reached out to Sarah to sponsor the LORE Mainstage: I Survived event, it made sense. Almost all of the stories talk about how their survival was only made possible by medical professionals. We, as a community, survive because the members of GDAHA provide the care that we need to survive and thrive.

What neither Sarah nor I could have imagined was how timely this event would be. Quick and competent care is absolutely crucial in a crisis as our community has witnessed in the past couple of weeks.

We, at LORE, are incredibly grateful for the sponsorship of the LORE Mainstage event, but even more so, we are grateful for the care that the members of GDAHA provide. Where would we be without them?

So, thank you, GDAHA, thank you Sarah. Thank you for all that you do.


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