Megan is a talented writer and a poetic storyteller. I got a chance to know Megan while working with her at an after school program with some of her creative writing students at Stiver’s School for the Arts. Megan is passionate about her students, along with her role at the YWCA, and watching Megan with her students says a lot about the woman that she is.
Megan’s students love her. They hang around after school for a chance to tell her stories about the lunchroom or their sister at home or to show her a picture. She genuinely listens to them and encourages them. But the story that has stuck me is the time that I witnessed her reprimanding a student.
I don’t remember what the student had done, but I remember Megan firmly and respectfully telling him to stop whatever he was doing and how she expected better. The room went quiet for a moment and she went back to talking to another student who was waiting for her.
And the people sitting near the young man leaned into him, saying things like “Dude, not in Miss Megan’s class.”
And “What the hell, man?”
Similar comments were muttered until the young man shook his head and slouched in his seat and turned to them and said, “I know, alright!” and they all stopped.
Megan is not only loved, she is respected. And this extends outside of the classroom and into the world. You cannot help but love Megan’s bubbly personality and when you get to know Megan’s drive, passion, and impact, you cannot help but respect her.
Megan’s story is about facing gunfire in some far off place. And with the events that have happened in Dayton, OH over the past week, her story will hit home in a way that we could not have imagined when she agreed to get on stage over a month ago.
Her story is timely and relevant and inspiring. It reminds us that survival is more than simply breathing, it is about making the most of what we have experienced so that we leave the world a better place.
Come see Megan on stage as part of the LORE Mainstage: I Survived event on August 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM at 40 N Main St in Downtown Dayton.
